These days I did one of those family programs. Aquarium. Although I went alone. So I think it’s a program for everyone. Just like marine life.

Another thing that I really like, as you are already tired of knowing, are Japanese movies. And this solo tour reminded me of one of the best, Just Remembering, with Sairi Ito and Sosuke Ikematsu, who was an aquarium employee.

The film is very interesting. In addition to the story being very realistic and mature, the script is developed backwards. That is, it starts from the chronological future and ends in the past. Very cool.

Earlier today, I was looking for some photos on my phone and I found this record of the day I went to see Call Me Chihiro at Musashinokan in Shinjuku.

As I’m a fan of Kasumi Arimura, I went right away on opening night and I wasn’t disappointed.

The movie was pretty good. Even addressing serious and often difficult aspects of adult life. Chihiro, in a very mature way, handled all situations well.

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