Japanese anime songs

Recently, I’ve been falling asleep listening to music quite often, and last night I fell asleep listening to Bonnie Pink, the composer of Last Kiss, one of my favorite Japanese songs.

I met her thanks to the Gantz anime, one of the most popular of my generation, and after seeing her singing and dancing on the Thinking Out Loud tour, I fell in love.

Japanese serie songs

I just watched the anime Yasuke on Netflix. Despite being a work of fiction, I thought it was a beautiful tribute to Japan’s first black Samurai.

In the 2023 carnival, a Brazilian samba school, Mocidade Alegre, won that year’s competition with a plot in honor of the African warrior, who fought alongside Oda Nobunaga (Takehiro Hira), around 1579.

I loved the opening song. Engaging hip-hop with beautiful, blunt and proud lyrics about Yasuke’s loyalty.

Until I Meet September’s Love

If you want to read my review of Until I meet September’s love, read this post. In 9月の恋と出会うまで Hirano Susumu discovered that he was being followed by his neighbor, Kitamura Shiori. At his own behest, coming from the future. After understanding what was happening, he realizes that the changes in the present timeline have put his neighbor’s life at risk and finds himself in need of preventing her from dying in the future.

Continue reading “Until I Meet September’s Love”

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