Earlier today, I was looking for some photos on my phone and I found this record of the day I went to see Call Me Chihiro at Musashinokan in Shinjuku.

As I’m a fan of Kasumi Arimura, I went right away on opening night and I wasn’t disappointed.

The movie was pretty good. Even addressing serious and often difficult aspects of adult life. Chihiro, in a very mature way, handled all situations well.

The Asadas

If you want to read my review of The Asadas, read this post. In 浅田家, Masashi Asada fulfilled his dream of being a professional photographer and gained popularity taking pictures of families across Japan, until a huge tragedy struck, causing him to leave home in search of missing families.

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Your Eyes Tell

If you want to read my Your Eyes Tell reviews, read this post. In きみの瞳が問いかけている, Akira Kashiwagi has lost her eyesight. On her way home, she would stop in a parking lot to listen to her favorite series with a very friendly gentleman. Unexpectedly, he resigned and was replaced by Rui Shinozaki, a former collector for the mafia trying to live a normal and legal life.

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