Japanese movie locations

We all know that the staircase to Suga Shrine is the most popular location used by Makoto Shinkai to set the movie Your Name with Ryūnosuke Kamiki and Kana Hanazawa. But, particularly, I prefer the intersection of the previous corner.

Mitsuha had to go through this corner to access the stairs that lead to the Suga Shrine and, oh yes, record the most famous scene, in the most famous place.

Why do I prefer? Mainly because it is a more accurate scene, a more reliable image of the reality of the place that served as an idea. But, that’s it, the places are there to serve as an idea. No merit is lost and the scene on the stairs is the most emotional.


If you want to read my review of Mother, read this post. In マザー, Akiko Misumi is an extremely narcissistic and controlling mother who does what she wants with her children without showing any remorse, even if it puts their lives at risk.

Continue reading “Mother”

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