Japanese anime songs

Recently, I’ve been falling asleep listening to music quite often, and last night I fell asleep listening to Bonnie Pink, the composer of Last Kiss, one of my favorite Japanese songs.

I met her thanks to the Gantz anime, one of the most popular of my generation, and after seeing her singing and dancing on the Thinking Out Loud tour, I fell in love.

Wherever I go in Japan I’m always getting references to Japanese movies. I think there is no greater reference than the Shibuya crossing.

So many cool productions were made here. For example, Alice in Borderland with Tao Tsuchiya and Kento Yamazaki, one of the great recent hits on Netflix.

And it was also here that Han “didn’t die” for the third time in that car chase in Fast and Furious – Tokyo Drift.

Japanese serie songs

I just watched the anime Yasuke on Netflix. Despite being a work of fiction, I thought it was a beautiful tribute to Japan’s first black Samurai.

In the 2023 carnival, a Brazilian samba school, Mocidade Alegre, won that year’s competition with a plot in honor of the African warrior, who fought alongside Oda Nobunaga (Takehiro Hira), around 1579.

I loved the opening song. Engaging hip-hop with beautiful, blunt and proud lyrics about Yasuke’s loyalty.

Hell Dogs

If you’re asking yourself: Is Hell Dogs a good movie? read this post. In ヘルドッグス Goro Idezuki is a former police officer with a thirst for revenge who decides to hunt down and kill all the perpetrators of a massacre. After that, he will have to ally himself with his worst enemies and infiltrate the Yakuza.

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