Your Lie in April

If you want to read my Review of Your Lie in April, read this post. In 四月は君の嘘, Kousei Arima was a promising pianist. But, trauma left him unable to hear the sound of his instrument. Until he meets Kaori Miyazono, a violinist who sees the world through the lens of freedom and as if there is no tomorrow.

Kaori Miyazono (Suzu Hirose) silently suffered from a degenerative disease and she wanted to reach people through music so that her existence would never be forgotten, even if she died.

“Hey, right now, what are the colors of your world?”

Kousei Arima (Kento Yamazaki) is winner of the Student Piano Competition. Gold medal for 2 consecutive years in the Kokusai Piano Competition. The youngest winner of the Saiki Contest. He was known as The Human Metronome. But, he abandoned the piano after his mother died.

“Tsubaki and Watari are always shining. I bet they live in a colorful world. But my world has monotonous colors like these keys.”

Without letting Kousei know it, Kaori was a fan of his musical abilities and even after he said he couldn’t play the piano anymore, she imposed on him the task of musical accompaniment in her violin recitals. From this, their friendship develops.

Reviewing Your Lie in April: the musical accompanist

Anna Ishii (Tsubaki Sawabe) and Taishi Nakagawa (Ryōta Watari) cycling to take Kento Yamazaki (Kousei Arima) and Suzu Hirose (Kaori Miyazono) to their musical performance in Your Lie in April

Kousei Arima, Tsubaki Sawabe (Anna Ishii), who has an unnoticed crush on him, and Ryōta Watari (Taishi Nakagawa), the school’s hottie, have been best friends since elementary school.

Initially, Tsubaki was going to introduce his classmate, Kaori, to Watari. But Kousei arrived earlier at the meeting point and met her in a slightly disconcerting way.

Even though Kousei abandoned music, music didn’t abandon him and he develops an instant admiration for Kaori’s musicality.

“Why? Why does she play with such joy?”

Kaori was a suitor for Watari. However, he soon realizes that Kousei had already fallen in love at first sight, even reluctantly and respectfully with his best friend.

“Doesn’t matter. It’s normal for the person we like to be into someone else. Because he likes her, she shines in his eyes. Therefore, people fall in love irrationally.”

The reality is that everyone in that generation had heard about Kousei and his genius musical skills, including Kaori. Everyone knew him and didn’t know why he had stopped.

“At first, I listen. But then the sound disappears. The more I concentrate, the more the performance consumes me and the sound of the piano disappears.”

Kousei thought this was some kind of punishment for not living up to his mother’s expectations. But, it was just fear.

After many efforts from Tsubaki and Kaori, Kousei gathers the courage to try his best. Gradually he gives in and leaves the course of their relationship and the presentations in her hands.

Seeing life through Kaori’s eyes brought color back to Kousei’s world. Unfortunately, he learns of her condition and that she has little time to live. Now, he will overcome all his traumas to not allow her existence to be forgotten.

Reviewing Your Lie in April: Japanese musical quality

Suzu Hirose (Kaori Miyazono) and Kento Yamazaki (Kousei Arima) on stage together during a performance in Your Lie in April

I always talk to my friends about Japanese musicality and the quality of countless old and current bands, of all types, for all tastes and how this characteristic is expressed in Japanese soundtracks.

I believe that the benefits of teaching music in schools in Japan are immeasurable. Basically, it’s a society where everyone has some skill developed during childhood and the end product of that is great.

Benefits range from personal: socialization, motor coordination and brain plasticity, to commercial with the Japanese market producing entertainment for all audiences.

Why you should watch Your Lie in April

Kento Yamazaki (Kousei Arima), Anna Ishii (Tsubaki Sawabe) and Taishi Nakagawa (Ryōta Watari) walking back from school in Your Lie in April

I don’t see Japanese movies set mainly in schools anymore. Not like before. But, if you enjoy school movies, this is one of the most beautiful, mature and with a wonderful soundtrack.

In addition, this beautiful and sad story teaches us that in order to honor those we love and who are no longer with us, we need to keep living and expressing our love and admiration in any form of tribute possible.

Your Lie in April trailer

I really feel that you will like this one. So I decided to do this Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso review. Go ahead, immerse yourself in the story, the environment and the soundtrack. 

And come back later to tell me what you think in the comments. This was one of the most beautiful music-themed Japanese movies I’ve watched over all these years.

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